Britten tegen schrappen veto bij buitenlands beleid EU (en)

London has reacted angrily to the latest compromise proposal on the EU Constitution, which proposes an end to the veto in foreign policy.

The UK media report that the government has said the proposal, drawn up by the Italian EU Presidency, is unacceptable.

A Foreign Office spokesman said the Italian draft would be rejected in its current form, but remained the basis for more discussions by EU foreign ministers in Naples on Friday, notes the BBC.

Foreign policy is one of the 'red lines' for the UK in the member states' deliberations on the Constitution, which formally began on 4 October.

There is some speculation as to whether the proposal to introduce more qualified majority voting in foreign policy, sent to EU governments on Tuesday evening, is just a tactical move.

By causing such a furore in the UK now, if the proposal is taken out later, it could be presented as a major win for London.

However, less veto power in foreign policy is an idea that will please several countries such as the Benelux and Germany.

This and other suggestions aimed at kick-starting the embittered talks on the Constitution will form the basis for discussion for EU foreign ministers meeting in Naples tomorrow (28 November) and Saturday.

EU leaders will then meet on 12 December for what is planned to be the final signing off of the Constitution.

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