Noorwegen wil rol spelen in Europees defensie-agentschap (en)

Norway has indicated that it would like to be involved in the planning to set up the new EU arms agency.

"This [the agency] will an important organ with a great number of important tasks, and it is vital for Norway to be involved in the further planning," Norwegian defence official, Gunnar Heloe told the tabloid VG on Monday.

The European armaments agency aims at making common EU peacekeeping operations more efficient, and Norway already contributes soldiers and civil servants to these operations.

It will also be responsible for the co-ordination of EU countries' arms purchase, and the development and research of defence equipment.

"Much has happened in the common EU defence policy during recent years, and it has happened immensely fast, particularly during the latest two years. This development has given rise to most of the questions on Norway's remaining outside the EU," says Mr Heloe.

However, Norway, not a member of the EU, will not be a board member in the Agency and the country's role in the process of setting up the agency is still not clear.

Agreed by EU leaders on Monday (17 November), the agency is expected to be up and running by summer 2004.

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