Meer euro-vervalsingen in omloop (en)

Many countries are struggling to tackle the growing problem of fake euro notes, the head of the European Union's criminal investigation bureau told the BBC.

Europol Director Juergen Storbeck believes that police forces in Eastern and Central Europe need more support to track down the counterfeiters.

Mr Storbeck is hoping to convince EU governments to agree to offer more training and assistance to Europe's police forces.

More difficult to make fakes

However, Europol is still convinced that euro forgeries are still not as big a problem as national currencies were before the euro was launched, writes the BBC. They stress that the euro is more difficult to counterfeit than other currencies.

Euro notes have more security features than any other currency.

The biggest amount of fake euro notes found so far has been in south-east Europe and the Baltics. 50 euro and 100 euro bills are the notes most often faked.

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