Kritiek Europese Commissie over voortgang grondwetsbesprekingen (en)

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - The European Commission has issued a stark warning about the floundering state of negotiations on the draft Constitution , following unilateral moves by EU finance ministers to curb its power to enforce euro rules.

Michel Barnier, the Commission representative in the negotiations, said "The Commission is worried".

Addressing MEPs in Brussels, Mr Barnier went on to say that the IGC (the intergovernmental conference)" has not allowed us to chalk up any progress" and that the talks "could actually lead to a step backwards".

MEPs in the plenary were quick to offer their criticism, too.

Like arguing over a ten euro note

Liberal MEP Andrew Duff, an influential member of the Convention that drew up the Constitution, said that the proposals by finance ministers, which also seek to reduce Parliament's power over the EU budget "cause[] me great concern".

The EU finance ministers want to "revert to something that is worse than the current treaties", said Socialist MEP, Richard Corbett.

Green MEP, Johannes Voggenhuber, compared member states' arguments to squabbling over a 10 euro note.

Meanwhile, the European Parliament representative in the talks, Inigo Mendez de Vigo, drew attention to the compromise drawn up on the finances of the Union in the draft text.

It was based on a delicate balancing act, he said. Governments would have the last say on the EU's resources and the Parliament on expenditure.

For its part, the Italian EU Presidency, which has the difficult job of trying to broker an agreement, sought to soothe ruffled feathers.

Italian Under-secretary of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Antonione, said the Presidency would not accept any proposals from the different groups of ministers - including finance ministers.

He also said that it was natural for member state positions to be so different and that a deal would fall into place at the last minute.

This is likely to occur at the end of November when foreign minister meet to thrash out an overall compromise package presented by the Italian Presidency.

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