[autom.vertaling] De Europese top wenst Paus geluk (en)

European leaders sent congratulations to Pope John Paul II who on Thursday celebrated the 25th anniversary of his election as the head of the Catholic church.

"The European Council congratulated His Holiness Pope John Paul II on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of his pontificate", says a statement by the European Council.

The message was included in the official conclusions of the two-day summit in Brussels at the last minute.

An earlier draft document of the conclusions did not include a mention of the anniversary.

Speaking at a press conference at the European summit on Friday the EU President-in-office, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi mentioned the great role the Pope, a Polish native, played the in recent history as "he contributed greatly to the fall of communism and the Berlin wall".

Sources indicated that the Portuguese and Italian delegations insisted on the gesture to John Paul II.

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