[autom.vertaling] Fischer betwijfelt het Noorse lichte "idee van de" EU (en)

Norway's idea for a partial joining of the EU has been met with scepticism in some quarters.

Joschka Fischer, German foreign minister, reacted by merely raising his eyebrows when asked to comment on Norwegian Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik's thoughts on Norwegian "EU light" membership, according to Aftenposten.

The very idea of European integration is that all countries that want to join do so completely, he said.

His comment comes after Mr Bondevik suggested in his speech on Friday (3 October) that it might be possible for Norway to join the EU and still keep out of some dimensions of co-operation.

"Well, the very idea of European integration is that all countries that want to join do so completely. It is true that this, that and the other special arrangement exist. But I do not know whether that is conducive to anybody's happiness", Mr Fischer said to a Norwegian journalist.

Mr Bondevik's idea has caused criticism in his own party, Kristelig Folkeparti (Christian People's Party).

The party's parliamentary leader, Jon Lilletun, said to Aftenposten that Mr Bondevik must have been thinking aloud during his speech, and that he expects the prime minister to abide by the party programme which favours EEA (a trade partnership) membership but is against EU membership.

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