(Paulo) Rangel

Paulo Rangel is a member of the European Parliament since 14 July 2009 for the "Partido Social Democrata", which is aligned with the European People's Party. Rangel is elected on behalf of Portugal.

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Personal data


Place and date of birth
V.N. Gaia, 18 February 1968



National political party
Partido Social Democrata

European Parliamentary Group
European People's Party


Main functions and occupations

Main functions and occupations
  • Member of the Cuatrecases Gonçales Pereira & Associate Legal Partnership. Speciality: Public Law, from 2006
  • Lecturer in the Law Faculty of the Portuguese Catholic University
  • In charge of Political Sciences and responsible for leading the Cuatrecases Seminars on Public Procurement and Precautionary Measures in Administration Law
  • Administrator of the Robert Schuman Foundation, and member of the board of directors of the Porto Trade Association; commentator in various branches of the media
  • Member of the Assembly, from 2005 until 2009
  • Chair of the PSD parliamentary group, from 2008 until 2009
  • Secretary of State in the Ministry of Justice under the XVIth constitutional government, from 2005 until 2009
  • member European Parliament, from 14 July 2009



Activities on European affairs
  • Publications: many speeches and lectures, scholarly articles and books on legal, political and constitutional issues, including Repensar o Poder Judical, Publicações Universidade Católica, 2001, O Estado do Estado, D. Quixote, 2009. Research work: with the DAAD in Frankfurt, with the European Institute in Florence, the University of Osnabrück, the University of Upsala, the University of Lausanne, the University of Bologna, the University of Genoa and the University of Freiburg



  • Awarded the Grosse Verdienstkreuz mit Stern by the Federal Republic of German, 2009
  • the Council of Europe's René Cassin Prize, 1989
  • the D. António Ferreira Gomes Prize, 1986




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